Polarean Imaging Enters Partnership With VIDA Diagnostics for MRI Scan Plattform

By Anthony O. Goriainoff


Polarean Imaging said it has partnered with clinical imaging intelligence company VIDA Diagnostics to further enable its MRI platform to accelerate clinical and research use.

The London-listed medical imaging technology company said the collaboration is intended to establish a clinical trial network for pharma-sponsored drug and device development using standardized xenon 129 MR image acquisition as well as data-sharing methods.

It added that through this collaboration both companies will foster new research collaborations and amplify the opportunities which can be brought to lung-imaging customers.

"This partnership perfectly aligns with our objective of extending the reach of XENOVIEW MRI, to provide tools to physicians that treat patients suffering from chronic lung disease," Chief Executive Christopher von Jako said.


Write to Anthony O. Goriainoff at anthony.orunagoriainoff@dowjones.com